
Remedies to Soothe Itching Feet | Fort Worth Podiatry

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Several factors, including medical conditions, can cause itchy feet. According to the book “1,801 Home Remedies,” some of the most common causes include simple dry skin and overly moist feet. However, if the skin on your feet is red, cracked, scaly,...

Several factors, including medical conditions, can cause itchy feet. According to the book “1,801 Home Remedies,” some of the most common causes include simple dry skin and overly moist feet. However, if the skin on your feet is red, cracked, scaly, smelly or covered in painful blisters, your problem is likely more serious. These symptoms point to athlete’s foot, a fungal infection. If you suspect you have athlete’s foot or another serious condition, visit your doctor for treatment.

Baking Soda Paste

You can try a baking soda paste on itchy feet to relieve burning sensations and quell discomfort. Add 2 to 3 teaspoons of water to 1 tablespoon of baking soda, stirring the mixture until a paste forms. Spread the paste on your feet, making sure you get it into crevices such as the areas between your toes. Allow the paste to dry for five to 10 minutes, and then rinse it from your feet with cool water. Pat your feet dry with a soft towel and apply a light dusting of cornstarch to soak up moisture. Baking soda paste is a home remedy that is not medically approved to treat fungal infections such as athlete’s foot. It may soothe the itching for a bit, but if something other than a minor skin irritation is to blame, it won’t cure the problem.

Saltwater Soak

Sometimes, soaking your feet in saltwater can ease irritation. According to “1,801 Home Remedies,” a saltwater soak can soothe painful itching. To make a saltwater soak, stir 2 teaspoons of salt into 1 pint of warm water. Pour the mixture into a shallow pan and immerse your feet in the liquid for five to 10 minutes. Repeat the process once every hour or so until the worst of the itching subsides. Saltwater soaks are not approved as an effective treatment for fungus.

Walnut Hull Moisturizer

Follow a recipe for a walnut hull moisturizer that can relieve itching caused by dry skin. Combine 1 teaspoon of ground walnut hulls with 1 cup of water in a saucepan. Simmer the mixture for 30 minutes over medium heat, and then strain it through a fine mesh sieve. Pour 1/2 cup of the warm liquid over your feet; pat them dry with an old towel. Mix 3 tablespoons of calendula blossom oil with 10 drops of tea tree oil and five drops of eucalyptus oil and massage the mixture into your feet. Walnut hull moisturizer has not been approved by medical professionals as a treatment for athlete’s foot.

By Katie Leigh
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